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Pot represents the spirit of KOLaboration. As NFT, Pot serves as a point of contact to other Monad platforms, serving as a low-cost marketing vehicle. He is a musician with unique lore that places the character in kolaboration with KOLab's core userbase — Monad artists and musicians.
Function as an express lane to VIP Tiers
Limited release is only available pre-launch.
Maximum possible supply of only 2500. The total minted before TGE is the last and final amount.
Each NFT features a one-of-a-kind digital artwork that embodies the spirit, enthusiasm, and culture of the KOLab community. Although each NFT is visually unique, all are equally rare upon minting. Rarity may be earned by completing missions and leveling up in the community.
Holders can progressively upgrade their NFTs and gain access to the exclusive VIP tiers, which unlock further rewards, including higher staking APRs.
Moving up the tier ranks can be done by completing missions the KOLab team will post on a regular basis, also by interacting with Monad-based missions that help integrate KOLab with the Monad community structure.
Various NFT accessories can also be obtained while upgrading NFTs; these will impart additional visual customization and uniqueness.
Stake NFTs to receive exclusive benefits:
Substitute for staking $KOLAB tokens to access incentive programs
Dedicated Staking Pool pays $KOLAB rewards at high APR
Governance multiplier
NFT Staker Discord role
Early Access Staking, even before TGE
Option to soulbind NFTs by permanently burning to an address
Requirement for top-tier
Elite Discord role with VIP kolaboration channel
Economically sound and good for community; loyalty ensures a kolaboration base that will help content creators in the KOLab marketplace
Royalties earned from resale on secondary markets are used to buyback and burn $KOLAB further increasing the APR% paid out to NFT stakers.
Premier access to new brand pipelines on KOLab marketplace