Real Time Ask (RTA) Infrastructure
The immutability and transparency of blockchain brings the speed of verification at pace with the speed of advertising, opening the door for RTA. RTA focuses on the querying side of the client-user dynamic, allowing brands to inquire about or request influencer collaborations in real time.
KOLab utilizes zkTLS technology from Reclaim Protocol to achieve data handoffs between web2 and web3 at speeds fast enough to accommodate RTA while preserving privacy.
RTA infrastructure means clients and influencers can take advantage of real time opportunities such as Youtube livestream raids or an unexpectedly popular Discord AMA, rather than losing time sensitive opportunities to elongated negotiation cycles.
KOLab dApp core features would include the ability for clients to immediately offer (ask) a real time campaign to influencers meeting their criteria. Upon acceptance, the dApp would verify the campaign tasks had been completed and provide attractive ad spacing.
A client and influencer agree to a live performance ad in an already live Discord Watch-Me-Draw. The artist, who is drawing a scene of two people playing frisbee in a park in front of 100 fans, draws a sports drink into the artwork in real time.
RTA can be effective for a hyperlocal blitz or a targeted micro-campaign in the truth terminal future where AI influencers and smart contract based campaigns likely outperform human influencers.
RTA infrastructure embedded into current authorization technologies allows for ads in previously siloed markets like X Spaces, Discord AMAs and Youtube/Twitch livestreams.
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