The Solution: Web3's First E/Acc Marketplace
A low-ticket, high volume transaction feed with all hands building towards an agentic future
Small projects have no safe space to conduct effective low-ticket, on-brand campaigns. KOLab allows marketing to keep pace with the speed of the agentic web.
The rise of the agentic web includes an evolution of marketing into AI KOLs. KOLab is building infrastructure to capture the most value in the coming meta of Objects initiated transactions.
To compete with agents, human KOLs must bring social data on chain to publicize performance ratings as well as the algorithms used to derive rankings for real-time use.
Disintermediation, Automation, Standardization
KOLab succeeds in raising low-ticket transaction volume through the disintermediation, automation and standardization of the KOL-client flow, following in the footsteps of every other major web3 vertical.
- Automation
Reducing transaction time lag through intent-centric UX exponentially improves transaction volume.
- Standardization
KOLab uses the unique characteristics of blockchain to facilitate new marketplace features including Real Time Ask (RTA) infrastructure for real-time user-client matches and workflows geared towards Object influencers. KOLab allows KOLs to bundle themselves as single entities for the mutual benefit of clients and KOLs.
True disintermediation, automation and standardization of marketing processes involves deriving and publicizing performance metrics as well as the formulas behind them on chain for real-time use.
Bringing web2 social data onchain allows human KOLs to compete on par with AI agents that are using Proof-of-Sentience terminals to display their actions and intent in real time. To accomplish this, web2 social data must be brought on-chain to be included with onchain data for KOL rating algorithms. KOLab is exploring zkTLS technology for this task.
The AI Agent Paradigm Shift
Over the next 1-3 years, KOLs will face paradigm shifting disruption from self-iterating AI agents with transparent Proof-of-Sentience features functioning as KOLs. KOLab refers to these agents as "Objects" throughout this document.
Web3 agencies and venture capitalists will be forced into this paradigm as the market's natural tendency towards efficient solutions drives profitability towards the transparent intent and real-time dynamism of AI agents, forcing human KOLs on chain.
Payment Rails
KOLab services KOL payments through web3 payment rails even if the final payment is made in fiat. This preserves the real-time dynamism and automation features in campaign pivots.
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